
Some days I wish I could just clock out of life and take a break. A break away from being a mother, from work, from school, a break from myself. Trying to get where you want to be in life can be so overwhelming and some times it seems like everything has a way of getting in the way of making it to your destination. The one thing I am starting to notice is that I am the main things in my way of getting where I need to be.

Mom Fears..

One of my biggest fears is my child not being able to defend himself, physical or not. I want him to be able to defend his heart and mind from bullies, meanies, and anyone that doesn’t have good intentions. Right now he is the sweetest and kindest kid anyone would ever meet. In his mind everyone is a good person. He thinks that every one is his “friend”. He knows not to be a bully, he knows there is a such thing as racism, and he knows that people lie and steal. Yet, he always sees the good in everyone that he meets no matter the situation. To me.. Its scary. I know that there is another world out there that can take his self esteem, his pride, and dignity. I know I can’t be there to protect him 24/7 and although it scares me to death I have to keep praying.


Sometimes my son makes me so mad, but when it comes to discipling him… I CANT!! Seeing him cry when I spank him, take away his game, take his phone, or put him on punishment; breaks my heart. I know I really have to get a hold on disciplining him.. That’s my parenting failure that I have to fix.

Love is..

Love is a feeling of unusual excitement when you see him or hear his voice. Love is an intense longing or desire for him when he is away. Love is being committed or devoted to him at all times, no matter what. Love is having a taste for his kiss, at really awkward moments. Love is being hooked on his love for you. 

What is your definition of love?

Not funny..

I meant to blog about something a few weeks ago, but it slipped my mind. Then it wasn’t funny, but not I can laugh about it. So while I am driving down the highway, my face starts burning and I can’t stop coughing. My curious son thought that the mase on my key ring was hand sanitizer and sprayed it. Omg.. That was almost the worse experience in my life. Besides my face burning I was in panic mode because it was hard for me to drive… I finally pulled over and washed us up.

Baby Fever

My son is 9 years old, in just a short time he will be a teenager and completely able to take care of himself. Sooo I don’t know why in the world I have baby fever. For some strange, crazy reason I want a little girl. I want to dress her up, be able to hold her in my arms, and breastfeed (don’t judge me). Its so weird and strange. Then I think about having to start over and not having time to live my life once my son is grown and the fever goes away.

Sunshine Blogger Award

I am in complete awe.. Thanks to fatgenestoskinnygenes for the nomination. Blogging has become such a big part of my daily life and I am so thankful that you saw my blogs fit enough to be nominated for this amazing award. Thank you so much!

~ The Rules ~

  • Thank the cool person that thought enough about your work to nominate you!
  • Answer the questions from your biggest fan (aka the nominator).
  • Take your turn showing someone that you could be their biggest fan and nominate them.
  • Give them 10 opportunities (questions) to show you a little bit more about themselves.

~ Questions I was asked

  1. What would the name of your memoir be? The Struggle and Triumph.
  2. If you could change one thing in your past what would it be? Nothing.. My past is what makes me the woman I am today
  3. If you were ever to sing karaoke, what song would it be? “I wanna dance with somebody” by Whitney Houston
  4. What is your favorite quote or inspirational phrase and why? “you never know how strong you are until being strong is your only option”.. That’s my fav quote because I have been a witness that it’s true. Life started off being so easy until I had to get out and learn for myself.
  5. What is your favorite hobby? Sewing
  6. What is the biggest thing you’ve overcome? Basic training
  7. What do you hope to accomplish with your blog? To help motivate and provide resources to other single moms.
  8. What would you do if you won the lottery? Build a home for homeless families
  9. If you could spend a day with anyone, who would it be and why? My great grandfather because he was more than a father to me and I just want 1 day to tell him everything I couldn’t before he died.
  10. What’s the best advice you’ve been given?  Quiting is failure and failure is not an option.

~Questions are my nominees

  1. What are you most afraid of?
  2. Who has been the biggest influence in your life?
  3. What do you hope to accomplish with your blogs?
  4. If you were president, what’s one thing you would change about the US?
  5. What is your greatest achievement outside of blogging?
  6. What is one thing you want to change about yourself?
  7. Who is your favorite actor/actress?
  8. What is the best book you ever read?
  9. Do you have any pets? If yes, what types?
  10. What is your favorite color?

~My nominees are…


Thanks again fatgenestoskinnygenes for nominating me. It means so much to me and I can’t wait to find out who wins😘

Homework Time

When it’s time to sit down and do homework with my son, I get so frustrated. I did very good in school, but since I haven’t studied it in so long it’s like I’m learning all over again. Everything I once enjoyed seems to now be everything I hate.. Lol. With me knowing that he will 9 Times out 10 not use this stuff in his everyday life makes it that more frustrating. Of course I can’t show him my frustrations.. We have to sit back, study together, and get this work done with a smile.

Mental Neglect

From working 40+ hours a week to after school activities, sometimes I just want an hour to myself. Sometimes I want to lock myself in the bathroom, but can’t because there are little constant knocks on the door. Maybe send my son to my mom’s or a friends house so I can have some “me” time, maybe even take a weekend getaway with a couple of my friend girls.. But just as soon as the moment comes.. I feel sooo guilty. I feel like I’m ignoring  him, even neglecting him. I feel so bad. Although I know that it’s ok for us to be apart it doesn’t feel right when we are.